Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet released the following statement in honor of Black History Month:
“Black History Month offers an opportunity to honor the contributions of African-Americans throughout our nation’s history and celebrate how far we have come in the fight for equality. Countless individuals in Colorado and across the country dedicated their lives to ensuring that our country’s principles apply to all Americans. But as we acknowledge our positive progress, we also must recognize how far we have to go to create more opportunity and a future where all our children can succeed.
“That work begins with transforming our public school system and preparing our kids for college and the jobs of the 21st century. We can no longer afford to live in a country in which only nine out of every 100 kids living in poverty can expect to graduate from college. And neither our economy nor our democracy can sustain a system of public schools in which the ZIP code you’re born into determines the quality of the education you receive. If we are going to help the next generation develop the ingenuity, determination and confidence to change our country for the better, we have to prepare all our kids for success.
“It will not be easy, but this month serves as a reminder of what we can achieve as a country if we set aside prejudices and work to move our country forward together. If we remain committed, we can look forward to a future in which all our kids have a chance to succeed.”