Bennet Selected to Serve on Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Strong Background as Education Innovator, Leadership in Health Care Debate Cited as Key Reasons for...
Udall, Bennet Applaud $2 Million in Recovery Funds to Improve Health Information Technology in Colorado
Mark Udall and Michael Bennet, U.S. Senators for Colorado, applauded the announcement of $2 million for two health information technology initiatives in Colorado. The funds are part of $27.8 million...
With More Family Farms on Brink, Bennet, Udall, Markey Push for Much-Needed Relief for Colorado’s Dairy Producers
In Letter to Committee Leaders, Bennet and Udall Urge Inclusion of Senate-Passed Funding to Provide $350 Million in Relief for Dairy Farmers Ask for ‘Strong Leadership' on Behalf of Dairy Farmers...
Bennet Joins Udall, Freshmen Senators in Push for Meaningful Health Insurance Reform
Ties Urgent Need for Reform to Long-term Imperative of Lowering Deficit Lays Out Need For Health Care Reform That Lowers the Rising Costs Bankrupting Colorado's Families, Small Businesses and the...
Bennet Delivers Keynote Address at U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce National Convention Luncheon
Highlights Contributions of Colorado's Minority Business Owners Calls for Focus on Innovative Solutions to Tackle Country's Challenges - Discusses the Economy, Health Care, Education and Immigration...
Bennet Joins Obama Administration Officials, Local Leaders on Urban Sustainability Tour in Denver
Pushes For Legislation Encouraging Transit-Oriented Sustainable Development - Will Create Green Jobs & Protect Colorado's Environment Also Applauds Administration Announcement of $10 Million in...
Bennet Statement in Support of Resolution for National Hispanic Serving Institutions Week
Michael Bennet, U.S. Senator for Colorado, made the following statement today offering his support for a resolution recognizing the country's 268 Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs), including...
Bennet’s Legislation to Improve Patient Care, Lower Health Care Costs Included in Senate Finance Committee’s Health Care Bill
Bill Works to Reduce Hospital Readmission Rates Using Proven ‘Care Transitions' Model Developed and Implemented in Colorado Bennet Pushes to Bring Colorado Model to National Stage, Improve Patient...
Bennet Support for Farmers, Ranchers and Rural Communities Recognized by National Farmers Union
Washington, D.C.-Michael Bennet, U.S. Senator for Colorado, was presented the 2009 Golden Triangle Award by the National Farmers Union, the organizations highest legislative honor, for demonstrating...
Bennet Celebrates the Start of Hispanic Heritage Month
Washington, DC - Michael Bennet, U.S. Senator for Colorado, made the following statement today to mark the beginning of Hispanic Heritage Month, which runs September 15 to October 15. Bennet is an...