Washington, DC – Michael Bennet, U.S. Senator for Colorado, released the following statement after one Senator blocked an effort to pass legislation providing subpoena power to the National...
Bennet-Backed Bill to Ensure Big Oil, Not Taxpayers, Cleans Up Mess Clears Key Senate Hurdle
Washington, DC – Michael Bennet, U.S. Senator for Colorado, released the following statement on passage of the Big Oil Bailout Prevention Unlimited Liability Act out of the Senate Environment and...
Bennet: Apoyo para las Empresas Pequeñas es Importante para la Creación de Empleo, Crecimiento de la Economía
Washington, DC – Michael Bennet, senador de los Estados Unidos para Colorado, continuó hoy su empuje para ayudar a las empresas pequeñas de Colorado acceder a préstamos, crear nuevos puestos de...
Bennet: Supporting Small Businesses Is Key to Creating Jobs, Growing Economy
Washington, DC – Michael Bennet, U.S. Senator for Colorado, today continued his push to help Colorado’s small businesses access lending, create new jobs and keep our economy on the road to...
Bennet: On Day 70, Coastal Communities Continue to Suffer, Oil Still Spewing Into Gulf
Washington, DC – Michael Bennet, U.S. Senator for Colorado, released the following statement on now the seventieth day since the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon rig in the Gulf of Mexico:“Seventy...
Bennet Statement on the Passing of Senator Robert Byrd
Washington, DC – Michael Bennet, U.S. Senator for Colorado, today released the following statement on the passing of U.S. Sen. Robert Byrd of West Virginia:“Though I didn’t have the opportunity to...
Bennet: Wall Street Reform Clears Key Hurdle; Era of Bailouts, Big Bank Abuses Nearing An End
Washington, DC – Michael Bennet, U.S. Senator for Colorado, released the following statement on the heels of an agreement on the Wall Street reform conference report. Wall Street reform...
Bennet: Mejoras en la Eficiencia Energética Pueden Ayudar a las Pequeñas empresas en Comunidades Rurales de Colorado, los Agricultores Reducir Sus Costos, Ahorrar Dinero
Washington, DC – Michael Bennet, senador de los Estados Unidos para Colorado, esta animando los gobiernos locales, las cooperativas rurales de electricidad y otras entidades elegibles a través de...
Bennet: Improvements in Energy Efficiency Can Help Colorado’s Rural Small Businesses, Agriculture Producers Reduce Costs, Save Money
Washington, DC – Michael Bennet, U.S. Senator for Colorado, is encouraging local governments, rural electric co-ops and other eligible entities across Colorado to apply for resources through the...
Bennet Statement on House Passage of DISCLOSE ACT
Washington, DC – Michael Bennet, U.S. Senator for Colorado, released the following statement regarding the House of Representatives passage of the DISCLOSE Act, a bill he has cosponsored in the...