Washington, DC – Michael Bennet, U.S. Senator for Colorado and former Superintendent of Denver Public Schools (DPS), released the following statement on the announcement that the number of Denver...
Bennet: Comunidad Latina de Colorado Es Una Vibrante y Esencial Parte del Tejido de Nuestro Estado
Washington, DC—Michael Bennet, senador de los Estados Unidos para Colorado, hizo la siguiente declaración sobre el comienzo del Mes de la Herencia Hispana. Bennet es copatrocinador de una resolución...
Bennet Applauds Success of Colorado’s Summer Food Service Program
Washington, DC – Michael Bennet, U.S. Senator for Colorado, released the following statement on the announcement this morning that more kids in Colorado ate meals this summer than ever before...
Bennet: Failure to Disclose Benefit Options for Veterans’ Survivors Is Abuse of Trust
Washington, DC – Michael Bennet, U.S. Senator for Colorado and a member of the Senate Military Family Caucus, released the following statement after recent news reports of a Department of Veterans...
Bennet: Colorado’s Latino Community a Vibrant, Essential Part of the Fabric of Our State
Washington, DC – Michael Bennet, U.S. Senator for Colorado, made the following statement on the start of Hispanic Heritage Month. Bennet is cosponsoring a Senate Resolution to recognize and...
Bennet Aplaude el í?xito del Programa de Servicio de Alimentos de Verano en Colorado
Washington, DC--Michael Bennet, senador de los Estados Unidos para Colorado, hizó la siguiente declaración sobre el anuncio esta mañana que más niños que nunca en Colorado comieron comidas este...
Bennet: Small Business Jobs Bill Will Create Jobs, Expand Lending for Colorado Small Business and Entrepreneurs
Washington, DC – Michael Bennet, U.S. Senator for Colorado, today voted to move the bipartisan Small Business Jobs Act forward. The bill will help Colorado’s small businesses and entrepreneurs...
Bennet Support for Farmers, Ranchers and Rural Communities Recognized by National Farmers Union
Washington, DC – Michael Bennet, U.S. Senator for Colorado, released the following statement upon receipt of a 2010 Golden Triangle Award from the National Farmers Union, the organization’s highest...
Colorado Lawmakers Annouce $100 Million Grant for Rural Broadband in Colorado
WASHINGTON—Members of Colorado’s congressional delegation today joined U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke in announcing more than $100 million in grant funding for the Longmont-based Centennial...
Bennet Statement on the Anniversary of the September 11 Attacks
Denver, CO -- Michael Bennet, U.S. Senator for Colorado, released the following statement today on the anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks on America: "Today, we honor the Coloradans and...