Funds Will Be Used to Boost Mile High Youth Corps Green Job-Training Capacity for Energy Efficiency and Clean Energy Projects Partners Include Denver OED, Colorado DOL, SkillBuild Colorado, Namaste...
Udall, Bennet: Bill Funding Wildfire Suppression, Colorado Parks and Forests Headed to President’s Desk
Washington, D.C. -U.S. Senators Mark Udall and Michael Bennet joined their Senate colleagues late Thursday in passing the conference report for the Interior Appropriations bill for Fiscal Year 2010,...
Udall, Bennet Applaud $18 Million in Recovery Act Funds To Accelerate Geothermal Energy And Exploration In Colorado
Senators Mark Udall and Michael Bennet today applauded the announcement of over $18 million in Recovery Act funding for the exploration and development of new geothermal fields and research into...
WASHINGTON-Congresswoman Betsy Markey and Senator Michael Bennet welcomed an announcement today that the U.S. Department of Agriculture will allow more Colorado farmers and ranchers to participate...
Udall, Bennet: Support Headed to Colorado Water Projects in Energy & Water Bill
Mark Udall and Michael Bennet, U.S. Senators for Colorado, today announced that funding for several Colorado water projects is on its way as the Senate approved the Energy and Water Conference...
Bennet: Senate Approves $5 Million in Funding to Finally Begin Work on Arkansas Valley Conduit
Funding Passes the Senate As Part of Energy and Water Appropriations Bill - Measure Now Moves to President's Desk Bennet: We Are One, Significant Step Closer to Making the Vision of the Arkansas...
Bennet, Markey Announce $500,000 For Colorado State’s Sustainable Biofuels Development Center in Energy and Water Funding Bill
Michael Bennet, U.S. Senator for Colorado, and Congresswoman Betsy Markey announced today that Colorado State University's Sustainable Biofuels Development Center is on track to receive $500,000 in...
Bennet Urges Support of Bill That Includes $5 Million to Finally Begin Work on Arkansas Valley Conduit
Today, Michael Bennet, U.S. Senator for Colorado, urged his colleagues to support the passage of legislation that includes $5 million in funding to begin construction on the Arkansas Valley Conduit...
Bennet Pushes for Answers to Durango-Area Residents’ Concerns Over Proposed Land Exchange at Hermosa Creek
Applauds Forest Service Decision to Extend Comment Period, Allow Additional Time for Public to Weigh In on Proposed Exchange Vows to Closely Monitor Proposal as Process Moves Forward Michael Bennet,...
Udall, Bennet Announce $1.5 Million in Recovery Funding to Protect Forest Health in San Juan National Forest
Mark Udall and Michael Bennet, U.S. Senators for Colorado, announced today that a noxious weed control project to protect the health of San Juan National Forest will get a $1.5 million boost from...