Washington, DC – On the heels of Michael Bennet’s call to Senate Appropriations leaders to provide increased resources for housing counselors who are helping struggling homeowners stay in their...
Bennet: We Must Do More to Help Kids, Keep Children Out of Poverty
Washington, DC – Michael Bennet, U.S. Senator for Colorado, released the following statement on a report that the percentage of children living in poverty in Colorado has increased by 50 percent...
Bennet: Debemos Hacer Más para Ayudar a Los Niños, Mantener a los Niños Fuera de la Pobreza
Washington, DC: Michael Bennet, senador de los Estados Unidos para Colorado, hizo la siguiente declaración sobre un informe que el porcentaje de niños que viven en la pobreza en Colorado ha...
Bennet: Broken Washington Blocks DISCLOSE Act
Washington, DC - Michael Bennet, U.S. Senator for Colorado, today released the following statement after a minority of Senators blocked consideration of the DISCLOSE Act. The bill, which...
Bennet, Local Energy Business: Senate Needs to Keep Moving Forward on Energy Jobs
Denver, CO – Today, Michael Bennet, U.S. Senator for Colorado, stood with a local, clean-tech company to call on the Senate to keep moving forward on energy legislation that will allow America to...
Bennet, Negocio de Energía: Senado Necesita Seguir Avanzando Por Trabajos de Energía
Denver, CO- Hoy, Michael Bennet, senador de los Estados Unidos para Colorado, se unió con una empresa local de tecnología limpia para llamar en el Senado para mantener movimiento hacia adelante...
Bennet Applauds $300 Million for Denver Union Station Redevelopment
Washington, DC – Michael Bennet, U.S. Senator for Colorado, welcomed today’s announcement from Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood that Denver Union Station will receive $300 million in federal...
Bennet: Wall Street No Debería Dar Bonos Pagados por Contribuyente de Impuestos
Washington, DC: Michael Bennet, senador de los Estados Unidos para Colorado, hizo la siguiente declaración con respecto a un informe dado a conocer hoy que nombró a varias compañías financieras que...
Bennet: Wall Street Shouldn’t Dole Out Bonuses on Taxpayer Dime
Washington, DC – Michael Bennet, U.S. Senator for Colorado, released the following statement regarding a report released today that named several financial companies that made questionable payouts...
Bennet Backs Bill to End Veterinarian Shortfall in Rural Areas
Washington, DC – Michael Bennet, U.S. Senator for Colorado, has joined a bipartisan push to address the shortfall of veterinarians in underserved rural communities across Colorado and the country....