Bennet: President’s Budget a Starting Point, Includes Several Colorado Priorities

Includes proposals to support social impact bonds, fund LWCF, rebuild our infrastructure Republicans and Democrats must come together on a balanced, comprehensive plan to reform our tax code, reduce our deficit Washington, DC – Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet issued the following statement on the President’s fiscal year 2016 budget request to Congress: “The budget […]

Feb 2, 2015 | Press Releases

Includes proposals to support social impact bonds, fund LWCF, rebuild our infrastructure

Republicans and Democrats must come together on a balanced, comprehensive plan to reform our tax code, reduce our deficit

Washington, DC – Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet issued the following statement on the President’s fiscal year 2016 budget request to Congress:

“The budget can serve as a starting point from which we can begin a conversation about our priorities. This plan makes it clear that we have more work to do to help Colorado’s middle class families, who have continued to struggle even as the economy has recovered. It’s also critical that we develop a balanced and comprehensive strategy to reform the tax code and reduce our debt and deficit.

“The president’s proposal includes a provision similar to a plan we introduced with Senator Hatch on social impact bonds. Our bill would help communities work with the private sector to meet their critical needs – things like job training, housing, education, and child care. It’s an innovative approach that ensures taxpayers are getting the best bang for their buck.

“The budget also fully funds the Land and Water Conservation Fund. The LWCF isn’t funded by tax dollars and is one of the most successful programs with a track record of protecting our land and water. This is a no-brainer for Coloradans who understand that conserved land and wide open spaces are a huge economic driver for our state.

“There are also provisions that are similar to our proposal with Senator Blunt on building and maintaining the infrastructure we’ll need to be competitive in the 21st century economy. We’ll continue to work with Senator Blunt and Representative Delaney to pass our bipartisan bill to create a stable source of funding for these crucial needs.

“The budget lacks adequate funding for the Arkansas Valley Conduit. We will continue to fight to ensure the federal government fulfills its promise to build the conduit. Southeast Colorado communities have waited far too long to wait for a reliable source of clean drinking water.

“We need a better process in Washington to tackle big issues. We’re hopeful that Republicans and Democrats can come together on a budget that helps grow the economy, rebuild the middle class, and put our country on a better fiscal trajectory.”

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