Agreement a Step Forward: Replaces a Portion of Harmful Sequestration Cuts for Two Years, Leaves Many Issues Unresolved
Today’s Procedural Vote Paves Way for Full Senate Vote Tomorrow
Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet welcomed the Senate’s support today for a bipartisan budget agreement that will replace a portion of the harmful across-the-board sequestration cuts for two years. Calling the agreement a step forward, Bennet also urged his colleagues to continue their work toward a long-term, comprehensive budget plan that puts the country on a path toward fiscal health.
“This is by no means a perfect agreement and leaves many issues unaddressed. It does, however, represent a step forward and a departure from Washington’s bad habit of lurching from one manufactured crisis to the next and waiting until the eleventh hour to come up with solutions.
“Time and time again, people in town halls across Colorado have told me that they want a bipartisan budget that materially reduces the deficit and shows we’re all in this together. I remain committed to working with anyone from either side of the aisle who wants to develop a thoughtful, comprehensive plan to tackle our debt.”