Bennet: Failure to Avert Sequestration is Emblematic of Washington Dysfunction

With no deal in sight to avoid sequestration, Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet issued the following statement: “Washington again finds itself at a moment unable to find any common ground and backed up against the deadline of a manufactured crisis. The sequester cuts were designed to be so unappealing to both parties that it would […]

Feb 28, 2013 | Press Releases

With no deal in sight to avoid sequestration, Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet issued the following statement:

“Washington again finds itself at a moment unable to find any common ground and backed up against the deadline of a manufactured crisis. The sequester cuts were designed to be so unappealing to both parties that it would force Congress to work together to develop a comprehensive debt reduction plan, which it failed to do. Unfortunately, the political dysfunction that is emblematic of Washington – a place I’ve taken to calling the ‘Land of Flickering Lights’ – has struck again. Now, Colorado families and our state’s economy will suffer. I remain committed to working with any Republican or Democrat on crafting a comprehensive deficit reduction plan along the lines of Simpson-Bowles that materially reduces the deficit, shows we’re all in it together, and is bipartisan. It should include spending reductions, new revenue through tax reform, and changes to entitlement programs.”