Bennet Expresses Frustration at EPA’s Refusal to Fully Reimburse La Plata County for Damages

Washington, D.C. – Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet issued the following statement today in response to the report that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) may not fully reimburse La Plata County for costs associated with the Gold King Mine spill: “It would be unacceptable for La Plata County not to be fully reimbursed for costs […]

Washington, D.C. – Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet issued the following statement today in response to the report that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) may not fully reimburse La Plata County for costs associated with the Gold King Mine spill:

“It would be unacceptable for La Plata County not to be fully reimbursed for costs and damages related to the Gold King Mine spill. The EPA left southwest Colorado last October, but our communities had no choice but to continue working and dealing with the aftermath of the spill. We’ve pushed the EPA many times to provide full reimbursement and more funding for long-term monitoring to give certainty to affected communities. As of this morning, we urged the EPA again to fully reimburse the counties, cities, tribes, and businesses who incurred costs because of the spill.”

Bennet has worked to ensure that the EPA addresses all of the local communities’ concerns and prioritizes funding for cleanup of the spill. He recently joined Senator Cory Gardner, Congressman Scott Tipton, and Governor John Hickenlooper in a letter to EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy calling on the EPA to implement the Superfund designation in a way that works for the region and move the claims and reimbursement process forward quickly.