Following Bennet, Udall Pressure, Federal Railroad Administration Helps Commerce City Implement Train-Noise Quiet Zone

U.S. Senators Michael Benent and Mark Udall welcomed today the Federal Railroad Administration’s decision to make a sensible improvement to their train horn rules that will allow Commerce City to finalize a new quiet zone at the 96th Avenue rail crossing. Bennet and Udall pressed the agency in September 2013 to quickly consider and approve […]

Jan 10, 2014 | Press Releases

U.S. Senators Michael Benent and Mark Udall welcomed today the Federal Railroad Administration’s decision to make a sensible improvement to their train horn rules that will allow Commerce City to finalize a new quiet zone at the 96th Avenue rail crossing. Bennet and Udall pressed the agency in September 2013 to quickly consider and approve Commerce City’s waiver application for the new quiet zone.

The new quiet zone, which Congressman Ed Perlmutter also supported, will be located on 96th Avenue and will be the fifth quiet zone in Adams County. The Federal Railroad Administration’s action at Bennet and Udall’s behest will improve Commerce City residents’ quality of life and reduce the burden of train noise for the many residents living near this crossing.

“Railroads are part of the fabric of many of our communities in Colorado, and we want to ensure they continue to be as safe as possible. This guidance is going to help Commerce City maintain a high level of safety, while also giving nearby neighborhoods a little more peace and quiet,” Bennet said. “The FRA is doing a good job of listening to Colorado communities, and we look forward to continuing to partner with them on this issue.”

“Train noise remains a serious concern for communities throughout Colorado that want to strengthen public safety and protect their residents’ high quality of life. I am proud the Federal Railroad Administration heeded my request and issued this common-sense decision,” Udall said. “I will keep fighting to ensure that the Federal Railroad Administration never loses sight of the on-the-ground effects its rules and regulations can have on Colorado communities, Main Street businesses and job creation throughout the Centennial State.”

“Commerce City invested millions of dollars to improve safety at railway crossings to keep their citizens safe and reduce train horn noise improving quality of life in the community,” Perlmutter said. “I’m glad the Federal Railroad Administration took action to recognize these improvements, and I look forward to working with other communities in my district and the FRA to further reduce noise pollution and keep my constituents safe.”

Bennet and Udall have worked to protect public safety while also ensuring that train noise regulations do not hamper economic development or detract from Coloradans’ high quality of life. They successfully amended the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act last year to require the Federal Railroad Administration to work with Colorado communities to find ways to make its rules for establishing railroad crossing quiet zones less burdensome.

Pressure from Bennet and Udall prompted the Federal Railroad Administration to promise in June 2013 to work with Congress to ensure its train-noise and quiet-zone rules protect public safety while also working for Colorado communities. Bennet and Udall also have urged the Federal Railroad Administration to be more flexible in how it allows Colorado towns and cities to meet its quiet-zone requirements.