Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet issued the following statement on the Corker-Hoeven amendment to the immigration bill. Bennet and the rest of the ‘Group of 8’ senators who authored the bill negotiated with Republicans to craft an amendment on border security and benefits among other provisions.
The amendment meets the concerns some Republicans had with the bill and increases the bipartisan support in the Senate for the immigration bill. The amendment was filed today by Senators Bob Corker (R-TN) and John Hoeven (R-ND), who worked with the ‘Group of 8’ to craft the amendment.
“This amendment marks another important step toward fixing our broken immigration system. The amendment maintains the principles we agreed upon in the bill, including ensuring a real and attainable path to citizenship. It will build upon the progress we’ve made on the border over the last decade and significantly expands the security and enforcement measures already in the bill.
“This agreement builds upon CBO’s affirmation this week of the fiscal and economic benefits of the bill and makes the case even more compelling that we should pass this bill and fix our broken immigration system. The status quo is holding back our economy, leaves us less secure, and is tearing families apart.”