Washington, DC – Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet released the following statement in response to a new Washington Post-ABC poll finding Congress’ approval ratings stand at a dismal 14 percent, a new low in more than two decades of Washington Post-ABC polling:
“There’s a reason Congress’ approval ratings are in the basement; in town halls in red parts of my state and blue parts of my state, Coloradans have shared their complete and completely justified frustration with Washington and a genuine desire to see an end to the gridlock that prevents anything in this town from every getting done.
“These numbers aren’t going to change unless people in Washington can rise above this senseless political conversation and work together to create jobs and get our fiscal house in order. The question isn’t about a shortage of ideas; it’s about whether people in Congress are willing to replace the cartoonish debates with serious discussions about how to move our economy forward.
“I’m confident that if members of Congress put an end to the bickering and work together toward solutions, they can begin to regain the trust and confidence of the American people.”